
Our latest energy derivatives stories from Asia.

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Kero-seeing Support

While the strength in regrade emerged from robust fundamentals but kero spreads weakened into December as refiners flocked to kero over gasoil.

LPG Traders Unspooked by Panama Canal Restrictions

This year, the Panama Canal has been troubled by the lack of rainfall and severe drought, with recorded precipitation for October being the lowest on record since 1950. Water levels in Gatun Lake have continued to decline, and in response

Sky High Speculations in the Kerosene Market

The recovery of Asian jet fuel markets has been gradual over recent months, yet recent trends have shown some signs of support. In the context of Asia, China’s role is pivotal as it constituted approximately 20% of the region’s international

Edge Updates

Dubai Market Report: Oils Well That Ends Well

Following our previous report, OPEC subsequently announced on March 3rd that they would be extending their cuts from the first quarter of 2024 into Q2 2024. This development, despite wide speculations that the cuts would be maintained, was evidently not

All Quiet on the (Middle) Eastern Front 

Feb Brent/Dubai rose to 97c/bbl on Dec 18, but by Christmas the now prompt month slipped down past 40c/bbl. The early window on Dec 22 saw the Brent/Dubai structure nearly collapse. The market was liquid and we saw a player