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European Window: Oct’24 Brent Rises Back Above $80/bbl

16h ago
The October Brent futures flat price has had an extremely mixed afternoon, initially falling from $81.15/bbl at 12:00 BST to the afternoon’s low of $79.45/bbl ...

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European Window: Oct’24 Brent Rises Back Above $80/bbl

16h ago
The October Brent futures flat price has had an extremely mixed afternoon, initially falling from $81.15/bbl at 12:00 BST to the afternoon’s low of $79.45/bbl at 15:35 BST, before it then saw a retracement up to $80.20/bbl, where it sits as of 17:15 BST (time of writing).

Overnight & Singapore Window: Brent on track for third weekly decline

22h ago
The October Brent futures contract has been consistently declining all morning, falling from $81.60/bbl at 07:50 BST to $81.05/bbl as of 11:20 BST (time of writing)....

European Window: Oct’24 Brent briefly dips below $80/bbl

2d ago
The soon-to-be-prompt October Brent futures contract dipped to $79.55/bbl at 14:00 BST, where it found support and climbed to $81.10/bbl as of 17:35 BST (time of writing)

Trader Meeting Notes: The Big Barf Theory

2d ago
It’s the dawn of a new era in oil and everywhere else. US President Joe Biden stepped down to pave the way for a Trump vs Harris election riddled with all things Brat and Hannibal Lecter. In oil, the September Brent futures contract, unburdened from what had been the rangebound trading of last week, saw the beginning of a violent throwing-up.

Overnight & Singapore Window: Brent Falls to $80.28/bbl

2d ago
The Sep'24 Brent futures flat price has been under downward pressure this morning, falling from $81.40/bbl at 09:25 BST to $80.28/bbl at 11:35 BST (time of writing).

European Window: Brent Rallies alongside EIA Draw

3d ago
The September Brent futures contract weakened to $81/bbl at 16:05 BST, where it found support and sharply rallied to $82.20/bbl at 16:35 BST. The benchmark crude futures contract has since simmered off to $81.90/bbl as of 17:15 BST (time of writing).

COT Report: Where’s All the Oil?

3d ago
We've seen the Sep Brent Futures flat price fall below $81/bbl and an unexpectedly large 5.57mb draw in US gasoline inventories. Where will markets head this week?

Overnight & Singapore Window: Brent Strengthens To Back Above $81.50/bbl

3d ago
The September Brent futures flat price has been on an upward trajectory this morning, where despite some choppiness it has seen a 50c uptick from $81.15/bbl at 06:50 BST to $81.70/bbl, where it sits as of 11:00 BST (time of writing).


Jul 31, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Sep24 Brent Expiry
in 5d
Aug 8, 2024
16:00 UTC+0:00
Aug 12, 2024
11:00 UTC+0:00
Aug24 ICE Gasoil Expiry
in 17d
Aug 20, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Sep24 WTI Expiry
in 25d
Aug 26, 2024
00:00 UTC+0:00
Aug 30, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Oct24 Brent Expiry
in 35d
Sep 2, 2024
04:00 UTC+0:00
CME Holiday
in 37d
05:00 UTC+0:00
Sep 12, 2024
11:00 UTC+0:00
Sep24 ICE Gasoil Expiry
in 48d
Sep 20, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Oct24 WTI Expiry
in 56d
Sep 30, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Nov24 Brent Expiry
in 66d
Oct 10, 2024
11:00 UTC+0:00
Oct24 ICE Gasoil Expiry
in 76d
Oct 22, 2024
18:30 UTC+0:00
Nov24 WTI Expiry
in 88d
Oct 30, 2024
16:00 UTC+0:00
Oct 31, 2024
19:30 UTC+0:00
Dec24 Brent Expiry
in 3m
Nov 12, 2024
12:00 UTC+0:00
Nov24 ICE Gasoil Expiry
in 3m